ctet syllabus

CTET, the most important exam to be discussed when it comes to achieving the dream of becoming a teacher. We shall assist you through every phase of the exam within the blog itself. The assistance will be regarding the syllabus  Strategy, Study Material and Pattern of the concerned exam.

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CTET Exam Pattern

The Paper pattern for CTET are as follows:

  1. The exam consists of 2 papers of 150 marks each.
  2. Paper 1 consists of 5 sections and paper 2 with 4 sections.
  3. There will be no negative marking.

CTET Exam Pattern Paper I

SubjectsTotal Number of QuestionsTotal Number of MarksDuration
Child Development and Pedagogy30302.5 hours
Language I (compulsory) 3030
Language II (compulsory) 3030
Environmental Studies3030

CTET Exam Pattern Paper I

SubjectsTotal Number of QuestionsTotal Number of MarksDuration
Child Development and Pedagogy30302.5 hours
Language I (compulsory) 3030
Language II (compulsory) 3030
A. Mathematics & Science30 + 3060
B. Social Studies & Social Science6060

CTET Syllabus

The CTET syllabus can be covered easily if mugged up with efficient time management skills.So the detailed syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2 are as follows:

CTET Paper 1 Syllabus

The CTET Paper I exam assesses a candidate’s knowledge of Language I and II, Child Development and Pedagogy, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. Look at the CTET Syllabus 2023 for the Primary Stage (Classes I-V):

I. Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus

a) Child Development (Primary School Child):

  1. Concept of development and its relationship with learning
  2. Principles of the development of children
  3. Influence of Heredity & Environment
  4. Socialization processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers)
  5. Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives
  6. Concepts of child-centred and progressive education
  7. Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
  8. Multi-Dimensional Intelligence
  9. Language & Thought
  10. Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice
  11. Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, religion etc.
  12. The distinction between Assessment for learning and assessment of learning; School-Based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: perspective and practice
  13. Formulating appropriate questions for assessing readiness levels of learners; for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement.

b) Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs:

  1. Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived
  2. Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etc.
  3. Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners

c) Learning and Pedagogy:

  1. How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance.
  2. Basic processes of teaching and learning; children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning.
  3. Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’
  4. Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process.
  5. Cognition & Emotions
  6. Motivation and learning
  7. Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmental

II. Language I Syllabus-

a) Language Comprehension:

Reading unseen passages – two passages one prose or drama and one poem with questions on comprehension, inference, grammar and verbal ability (Prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive)

b) Pedagogy of Language Development:

  1. Learning and acquisition
  2. Principles of language Teaching
  3. Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
  4. A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form
  5. Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
  6. Language Skills
  7. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
  8. Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resource of the classroom
  9. Remedial Teaching

III. Language II Syllabus-

a) Comprehension:

Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with questions on comprehension, grammar and verbal ability

b) Pedagogy of Language Development:

  1. Learning and acquisition
  2. Principles of language Teaching
  3. Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
  4. A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form;
  5. Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
  6. Language Skills
  7. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
  8. Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resource of the classroom
  9. Remedial Teaching

IV. Mathematics Syllabus-

a) Content: 15 Questions

  1. Geometry
  2. Shapes & Spatial Understanding
  3. Solids around Us
  4. Numbers
  5. Addition and Subtraction
  6. Multiplication
  7. Division
  8. Measurement
  9. Weight
  10. Time
  11. Volume
  12. Data Handling
  13. Patterns
  14. Money

b) Pedagogical issues:

Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking; understanding children’s thinking and reasoning patterns and strategies of making meaning and learning

  1. Place of Mathematics in Curriculum
  2. Language of Mathematics
  3. Community Mathematics
  4. Valuation through formal and informal methods
  5. Problems of Teaching
  6. Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teaching
  7. Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching

V. Environmental Studies Syllabus-

a) Content:

I. Family and Friends:

• Relationships

• Work and Play

• Animals

• Plants

II. Food

III. Shelter

IV. Water

V. Travel

VI. Things We Make and Do

b) Pedagogical Issues:

  1. Concept and scope of EVS
  2. Significance of EVS, integrated EVS
  3. Environmental Studies & Environmental Education
  4. Learning Principles
  5. Scope & relation to Science & Social Science
  6. Approaches of presenting concepts
  7. Activities
  8. Experimentation/Practical Work
  9. Discussion
  10. CCE
  11. Teaching material/Aids
  12. Problems

CTET Paper 2 Syllabus

The CTET Paper 2 exam assesses a candidate’s knowledge of Language I and II, Child Development and Pedagogy, and Mathematics & Science / Social Studies & Social Science. Let us look at the CTET Syllabus for the Elementary Stage (Classes VI-VIII):

I. Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus

a) Child Development (Elementary School Child): 15 Questions

  1. Concept of development and its relationship with learning
  2. Principles of the development of children
  3. Influence of Heredity & Environment
  4. Socialization processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers)
  5. Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives
  6. Concepts of child-centred and progressive education
  7. Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
  8. Multi-Dimensional Intelligence
  9. Language & Thought
  10. Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice
  11. Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, religion etc.
  12. The distinction between Assessment for learning and assessment of learning; School-Based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: perspective and practice
  13. Formulating appropriate questions for assessing readiness levels of learners; for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement.

b) Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs: 5 Questions

  1. Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived
  2. Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etc.
  3. Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners

c) Learning and Pedagogy: 10 Questions

  1. How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance.
  2. Basic processes of teaching and learning; children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning.
  3. Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’
  4. Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process.
  5. Cognition & Emotions
  6. Motivation and learning
  7. Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmental

II. Language I Syllabus- 30 Questions

To test the candidate’s knowledge in the language they have opted there will be 30 questions in the CTET Paper-I and Paper-II.

a) Language Comprehension: 15 Questions

Reading unseen passages – two passages one prose or drama and one poem with questions on comprehension, inference, grammar and verbal ability.

b) Pedagogy of Language Development: 15 Questions

  1. Learning and acquisition
  2. Principles of language Teaching
  3. Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
  4. A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form; Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
  5. Language Skills
  6. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
  7. Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resource of the classroom
  8. Remedial Teaching

III. Language II Syllabus- 30 Questions

The second language test will be for accessing the candidate’s knowledge of the English language. There will be 30 questions in the CTET Paper-I and Paper-II.

a) Comprehension: 15 Questions

Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with questions on comprehension, grammar and verbal ability

b) Pedagogy of Language Development: 15 Questions

  1. Learning and acquisition
  2. Principles of language Teaching
  3. Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool
  4. A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form; Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
  5. Language Skills
  6. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
  7. Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resource of the classroom
  8. Remedial Teaching

IV. (A) Mathematics and Science Syllabus- 60 Questions

The candidates can check the topics to be covered in Mathematics and Science section. The questions of Maths should be attempted with tricks and accuracy. There will be 30 questions from Maths and 30 from Science subject.

(i) Mathematics: 30 Questions

a) Content: 20 Questions

• Number System

• Knowing our Numbers

• Playing with Numbers

• Whole Numbers

• Negative Numbers and Integers

• Fractions

• Algebra

• Introduction to Algebra

• Ratio and Proportion

• Geometry

• Basic geometrical ideas (2-D)

• Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D and 3-D)

• Symmetry: (reflection)

• Construction (using Straight edge Scale, protractor, compasses)

• Mensuration

• Data handling

b) Pedagogical issues: 10 Questions

• Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking

• Place of Mathematics in Curriculum

• Language of Mathematics

• Community Mathematics

• Evaluation

• Remedial Teaching

• Problem of Teaching

(ii) Science: 30 Questions

a) Content: 20 Questions

I. Food

• Sources of food

• Components of food

• Cleaning food

II. Materials

• Materials of daily use

III. The World of the Living

IV. Moving Things People and Ideas

V. How things work

• Electric current and circuits

• Magnets

VI. Natural Phenomena

VII. Natural Resources

b) Pedagogical issues: 10 Questions

• Nature & Structure of Sciences

• Natural Science/Aims & objectives

• Understanding & Appreciating Science

• Approaches/Integrated Approach

• Observation/Experiment/Discovery (Method of Science)

• Innovation

• Text Material/Aids

• Evaluation – cognitive/psychomotor/affective

• Problems

• Remedial Teaching

V. Social Studies/Social Sciences Syllabus- 60 Questions

In this subject, the topics are divided into two parts: One includes History, Geography, Social & Political Life and the Second one includes Pedagogical issues. The ratio of questions will be 40:20 respectively.

I. History

A strong catch on historical events, days, and dates to score good marks in this section. The questions will be asked from the below topics

• When, Where and How

• The Earliest Societies

• The First Farmers and Herders

• The First Cities

• Early States

• New Ideas

• The First Empire

• Contacts with Distant lands

• Political Developments

• Culture and Science

• New Kings and Kingdoms

• Sultans of Delhi

• Architecture

• Creation of an Empire

• Social Change

• Regional Cultures

• The Establishment of Company Power

• Rural Life and Society

• Colonialism and Tribal Societies

• The Revolt of 1857-58

• Women and reform

• Challenging the Caste System

• The Nationalist Movement

• India After Independence

II. Geography

However it is difficult for anyone to understand the complete geography of India unless they go deep into it. However, CBSE has included a Geography subject for CTET Paper-II but no worries, you have to prepare only for a few topics that have been provided below.

• Geography as a social study and as a science

• Planet: Earth in the solar system

• Globe

• Environment in its totality: natural and human environment

• Air

• Water

• Human Environment: settlement, transport and communication

• Resources: Types-Natural and Human

• Agriculture

III. Social and Political Life

This section will test the candidate’s knowledge about its surroundings and the topics that a candidate must be knowledgeable about have been listed below.

• Diversity

• Government

• Local Government

• Making a Living

• Democracy

• State Government

• Understanding Media

• Unpacking Gender

• The Constitution

• Parliamentary Government

• The Judiciary

• Social Justice and the Marginalised

b) Pedagogical issues

There will be 20 questions from this section and the motive of this section will be to understand the candidate’s intelligence and presence of mind for Pedagogical issues. The topics that will be covered in this section are mentioned below:

Concept & Nature of Social Science/Social Studies

• Class Room Processes, activities and discourse

• Developing Critical thinking

• Enquiry/Empirical Evidence

• Problems of teaching Social Science/Social Studies

• Sources – Primary & Secondary

• Projects Work

• Evaluation

CTET Study Material

Study MaterialLink
Previous Year MaterialPDF

CTET Solved Papers

Here are the CTET Previous Year Solved Papers list in the table below:

PaperExam DateSolved Papers Link
CTET Paper 1 (1-5)20-Aug-2023View Paper
CTET Paper 2 (Math & science) (6-8)20-Aug-2023View Paper
CTET Paper 2 (SST) (6-8)20-Aug-2023View Paper
CTET Paper 1 (1-5)21-Jan-24View Paper
CTET Paper 2 (SST) (6-8)21-Jan-24View Paper
CTET Paper 2 (Math & science) (6-8)21-Jan-24View Paper

CTET Exam Preparation Tips

To ascertain individuals’ eligibility for teaching positions in Central Government schools, the CBSE in India administers the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), a competitive examination. If you intend to take the CTET in 2023, the following preparatory advice will help you do well:

  1. The first step to excel in every exam is to Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus
  2. Create a Study Plan to develop a structured way to your exam.
  3. Keep yourself updated with the latest exam pattern and syllabus 
  4. Focus more on crucial topics of the exam like Child Child Development and Pedagogy which is included in both Paper 1 and Paper 2.

How useful CTET Exam Notes are?

The quality of the notes, your study habits, and how you use them are all important considerations when using CTET exam notes as a resource for preparation. The exam notes will help you out as Quick Revision, as Supplemental Material, for Regular Revision and More Practice.

CTET Books

Best Combo for CTET Paper 1

Best combo for CTET Paper 2


Q1. Will CTET held twice in 2023?

The CTET 2023 test is held twice a year.

Q2. What is the last date for CTET Form 2023?

The last date to submit CTET Online Application Form is 26th May 2023 at the official website www.ctet.nic.in.

Q3. Is CTET certificate available for 2023?

CTET 2023 certificate can be downloaded from the Digilocker app.

Q4. Who are qualified candidates for CTET 2023?

Candidates who took the CTET exam in 2023-2023 in a general category and received 60 percent or higher will be declared qualified.

Q5. Is CTET held in July 2023?

The CTET July 2023 exam was conducted on August 20, 2023.

Q6.What is the salary of CTET teacher in 2023?

For Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs), the basic pay scale is 9300-34800 with grade pay of 4600, and for Post-Graduate Teachers (PGTs), the basic pay scale is 9300-34800 with grade pay of 4800.

Q7. What is the age eligibility for CTET 2023?

The minimum age limit to apply for CTET 2023 is 18 years. There is no restriction on the upper age limit to apply for the CTET exam.

Q8. Which CTET is valid for lifetime?

The CTET certificate is now valid for a lifetime. CTET-qualified candidates are awarded the eligibility certificates. The CTET Certificate validity has been extended from seven years to a lifetime.

Q9. How many attempts are there in CTET exam?

There is no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a CTET Certificate.

Q10. Is Tet compulsory after B Ed?

Yes, candidates who have completed their M.Sc. IT and B. Ed are eligible to apply for the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) exam.